Rich colors, wide angle lenses, aged backgrounds and a couple of fun lovin' photo butterflies, all amounts to some solid outdoor images. We were mindful of our backgrounds and wanted to have them add to our shots. Not so much in the way a barn and some straw would add to a cowpoke or a wooden ship and a burning village would to a viking. This was more to just slightly add to the poses we were striking.

I shot Nicky first and I wanted to use her patented "I'm classy because my hand is under my chin" look. Though this usually only comes out when she has had a bit too much to drink, I thought it would look quite nice with this regal background. Do you like her crown?

Nicky also shot me in front of the same gate that I shot her, but she wasn't feeling it. So as we were ambling away we stumbled across this old, stark white, picket fence. She sat me down in front of it and had me flex the guns. In her head, I some what symbolized the fence with my pointy head and solid frame. I kind of think she was stretching a bit.

In case you're baking your noodle over where in the hell we got this name from, it was totally random. Ha ha!
