This weekend was my birthday camping weekend. So we packed up our gear and drove to North Carolina. We spent 2 full days out there and had a amazing time finding ways to entertain each other. Knowing we had to shoot Sunday, we made sure to pack the camera, flash, and reflector... well sort of.

We were leaving mid day Sunday so we took these shots while we were on our way out of the woods to go home. As I began shooting Chris we realized that the batteries in the flash were on their last leg. No problem, we'll use the reflector and reflection off the water. Well we would have but that's sitting in the studio at home. So this is shot with on camera flash (pop-up flash) with flash compensation at -2
Chris was full of some kind of mason jar liquor that had floaties and that's the way it COMES. So he really wanted to get a shower and a nap. Nuf said! :)

Chris had a tuff time finding a more interesting background for me. So after I hung dangerously close to gator territory he got this shot with the fun green confetti water.

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